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Commission on Aging
Minutes for June 15, 2009

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, June 15, 2009 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Mr. Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Ed Reese, Tom Dwyer, James Bernardi, LeReine Frampton, Karin Aurelia, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann, Lenore Niedzielski;  EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mary Ellen Lydem, Glenna Rees, Norma Gray;  ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Bob Sharpe, Chairman of Senior Action Committee and two other members of the public.


MINUTES:  Ms. Niedzielski motioned to approve the minutes of May 18, 2009.  Mr. Dwyer seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Ms. Niedzielski presented the Treasurer’s Report (See attachment A) dated May 28, 2009.  She noted that 83.8% of the budget has been used.  The gift fund now totals $34,870.24 and the trip account (GL172) has a total of $4,289.00.  They have received a gift from the Jr. Women’s Club for $200.00.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT:  Ms. Place distributed and reviewed her monthly report (see attachment B).  Ms. Place discussed a possible trip to the Mark Twain House.  She also discussed an intergenerational program and a luncheon that will be held on June 23rd at the Watermark in Southbury.  T-Shirts have been ordered for the seniors.  Six quilts have been completed for the Quilt of Valor with three more to be completed.  They have two more people to help with the quilting.  She discussed a new program where seniors are making cards for the Maternity Ward at Danbury Hospital.  The RSVP luncheon was successful with 440 participants.  David Laurey received the Presidential Award with 8,000 in volunteer hours.  The picnic will be at Holiday Hills on August 24th.  Ms. Place noted that the participation in the luncheons is growing.  Flowers for the Senior Center were purchased at Lexington Gardens.  They are still shopping for the new outdoor furniture.

Ms. Place stated that she is working on a draft informational brochure for the Hart Bus.  It was noted that there is no cap on usage.  There may also be bus transportation to Waterbury via a Peter Pan bus that would stop at Exit 10 to pick up riders.  They are still looking for transportation into Bridgeport, which would also help seniors who need a ride to doctor appointments.  

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT:  Ms. Piccini distributed and reviewed her report dated June 15, 2009 (see attachment C).  


TRIAD:  Ms. Place noted that there will be a meeting on June 23, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Police Station to discuss this safety and awareness program.  Officer Mary Helen McCarthy has volunteered to help with this program.  

Gift Account:  Mr. Dwyer discussed a letter sent to Bob Tait, Director of Finance.  The process for check requests was discussed.  

Senior Center Expansion:  Handicap Door: The door is being worked on.  Ms. Place will ask Mr. Hurley if the construction could be kept at a time when seniors are not there.  

New Building:  Ms. Place spoke with Steve Whitaker who wants to meet with the Commission to go over his preliminary plans.  A tentative date of Wednesday, June 24th at 5:00 p.m. was agreed upon.


Mr. Dwyer motioned to cancel the Commission on Aging meetings for July and August.  Ms. Niedzielski added that if something comes up, everyone can be contacted by phone.  Ms. Niedzielski then seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Dwyer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.